Weald and Downland Living Museum Ticket Portal

Fire & historic buildings

Wednesday 9 October 2024

An informative day considering the issues relating to fire and historic buildings, including the spread and growth of fire and how it affects traditional building materials.

Session 1

Overview of fires in historic buildings - threats to heritage buildings, fires in heritage buildings and rebuilding, weaknesses and fire spread, historic fire testing and solutions.

Session 2

Legislation and guides - heritage background, heritage legislation, codes of practice, fire safety order, fire risk assessments, suppression systems

Session 3

Cathedrals, churches, roofs and fire fighting – statistics, collapse of stone vaulting, compressive strength of limestone, timber trusses, fire fighting in cathedrals

Session 4

Fire Doors - types of historic doors, fire testing of doors, typical failures of doors, building a new copy of a medieval door.


Ticket options

  • Fire & historic buildings
    Fire & historic buildings
    0 10 max
Fire & historic buildings

Wednesday 9 October 2024

An informative day considering the issues relating to fire and historic buildings, including the spread and growth of fire and how it affects traditional building materials.

Session 1

Overview of fires in historic buildings - threats to heritage buildings, fires in heritage buildings and rebuilding, weaknesses and fire spread, historic fire testing and solutions.

Session 2

Legislation and guides - heritage background, heritage legislation, codes of practice, fire safety order, fire risk assessments, suppression systems

Session 3

Cathedrals, churches, roofs and fire fighting – statistics, collapse of stone vaulting, compressive strength of limestone, timber trusses, fire fighting in cathedrals

Session 4

Fire Doors - types of historic doors, fire testing of doors, typical failures of doors, building a new copy of a medieval door.


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