Weald and Downland Living Museum Ticket Portal

Weave a rush basket

Monday 05 September 2022

During the course, participants will have an opportunity to make their own woven rush storage basket using the indigenous common bulrush (Scirpus Lacustris) harvested from the river Thames. Working on wooden formers, you will be using this wonderfully supple material and techniques common to basketry to create a beautiful and useful container.

Ticket options

  • Weave a rush basket
    Weave a rush basket
    0 10 max
Weave a rush basket

Monday 05 September 2022

During the course, participants will have an opportunity to make their own woven rush storage basket using the indigenous common bulrush (Scirpus Lacustris) harvested from the river Thames. Working on wooden formers, you will be using this wonderfully supple material and techniques common to basketry to create a beautiful and useful container.