How to carve an ammonite in Bath stone
Sunday 23 March 2025
Participants will be taken through the process of marking out, roughing out and finishing a relief stone carving using hand tools. This workshop is suitable for beginners who wish to develop skills in stone carving. You will work on a design in Bath stone. We will also look at where to purchase different stones and tools, chisel sharpening and some of the health and safety issues to do with stone carving.
Ticket options
Sunday 23 March 2025
Participants will be taken through the process of marking out, roughing out and finishing a relief stone carving using hand tools. This workshop is suitable for beginners who wish to develop skills in stone carving. You will work on a design in Bath stone. We will also look at where to purchase different stones and tools, chisel sharpening and some of the health and safety issues to do with stone carving.