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Herbs in Healthcare – Supporting Vital Health

Wednesday 18 June 2025

In ancient Greece three ‘capacities’ were understood to govern the patient’s body. These are the brain, described as the reasoning capacity, the heart, or vital capacity providing innate heat, and the liver, the nourishing capacity. They would be given first consideration and, if necessary, they would be strengthened with treatments before giving strong medication, purging or letting the blood of the patient. We still recognise the importance of the health of the brain, heart and liver and this day will be devoted to looking at conditions affecting those three organs, together with herbs in recipes to support them.

Some herbs on the day for the brain are rosemary, Spanish sage, betony, ginger and ginkgo. Conditions discussed will include poor memory, trigeminal neuralgia, headaches, dementia from various causes and Parkinsons disease. Some herbs for the heart and circulation are hawthorn, limeflower, bilberry, motherwort and rose. Advice on conditions affecting the heart will include high and low blood pressure, high cholesterol, and some common problems arising from poor circulation. For the liver, some herbs will be dandelion, milk thistle, artichoke, agrimony and vervain. Liver conditions will include jaundice, cirrhosis and gallstones.

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    Herbs in Healthcare – Supporting Vital Health
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Herbs in Healthcare – Supporting Vital Health

Wednesday 18 June 2025

In ancient Greece three ‘capacities’ were understood to govern the patient’s body. These are the brain, described as the reasoning capacity, the heart, or vital capacity providing innate heat, and the liver, the nourishing capacity. They would be given first consideration and, if necessary, they would be strengthened with treatments before giving strong medication, purging or letting the blood of the patient. We still recognise the importance of the health of the brain, heart and liver and this day will be devoted to looking at conditions affecting those three organs, together with herbs in recipes to support them.

Some herbs on the day for the brain are rosemary, Spanish sage, betony, ginger and ginkgo. Conditions discussed will include poor memory, trigeminal neuralgia, headaches, dementia from various causes and Parkinsons disease. Some herbs for the heart and circulation are hawthorn, limeflower, bilberry, motherwort and rose. Advice on conditions affecting the heart will include high and low blood pressure, high cholesterol, and some common problems arising from poor circulation. For the liver, some herbs will be dandelion, milk thistle, artichoke, agrimony and vervain. Liver conditions will include jaundice, cirrhosis and gallstones.

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