Weald and Downland Living Museum Ticket Portal

Bronze dagger casting

Thursday 13 November 2025

Sunday 16 November 2025

On the workshop you will learn how to prepare your own mould, work the leather bellows on the charcoal fuelled furnace. You will then cast the liquid metal into your mould to produce a replica Bronze Age dagger blade to take home at the end of the day. You will then be given Bronze Age filing and cleaning tools to begin working on your blade. Advice will also be given on how to fit a wooden handle to your dagger blade at home.

Ticket options

  • Bronze dagger casting
    Bronze dagger casting
    0 30 max
Bronze dagger casting

Thursday 13 November 2025

Sunday 16 November 2025

On the workshop you will learn how to prepare your own mould, work the leather bellows on the charcoal fuelled furnace. You will then cast the liquid metal into your mould to produce a replica Bronze Age dagger blade to take home at the end of the day. You will then be given Bronze Age filing and cleaning tools to begin working on your blade. Advice will also be given on how to fit a wooden handle to your dagger blade at home.

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