Weald and Downland Living Museum Ticket Portal

Sounds, resonance and listening

This course is a multi-sensory and multi-disciplinary approach to understanding sound and how we listen. Looking at how we can appreciate sound to a greater level in order to understand the past and also to expand our own creativity, personal development and appreciation of the natural environment in the modern world.

Historical and archaeological evidence will be used to help develop this knowledge alongside practical activities involving playing basic instruments (such as drums and gongs), meditation, singing ancient English songs and chants. We can also expand our creativity by combining imagination and sound to create art, as well as inverting the process to use sight to inspire music. Sacred sound will feature significantly in this process.

We normally describe history through visual means, and trust evidence by sight, “seeing is believing”, whilst ignoring this vital sense. We can learn from the auditory record and develop ourselves by combining our senses, with a greater importance given to listening.

No musical experience is required, but an open-minded approach and creative attitude is essential.

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  • Sound, resonance and listening
    Sound, resonance and listening
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Sounds, resonance and listening

This course is a multi-sensory and multi-disciplinary approach to understanding sound and how we listen. Looking at how we can appreciate sound to a greater level in order to understand the past and also to expand our own creativity, personal development and appreciation of the natural environment in the modern world.

Historical and archaeological evidence will be used to help develop this knowledge alongside practical activities involving playing basic instruments (such as drums and gongs), meditation, singing ancient English songs and chants. We can also expand our creativity by combining imagination and sound to create art, as well as inverting the process to use sight to inspire music. Sacred sound will feature significantly in this process.

We normally describe history through visual means, and trust evidence by sight, “seeing is believing”, whilst ignoring this vital sense. We can learn from the auditory record and develop ourselves by combining our senses, with a greater importance given to listening.

No musical experience is required, but an open-minded approach and creative attitude is essential.

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