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Building conservation


Fire & historic buildings Fire & historic buildings Wednesday 9 October 2024 An informative day considering the issues relating to fire and historic buildings, including the spread and growth of fire and how it affects traditional...

Wednesday 9 October 2024

An informative day considering the issues relating to fire and historic buildings, including the spread and growth of fire and how it affects traditional building materials.

Session 1

Overview of fires in historic buildings - threats to heritage buildings, fires in heritage buildings and rebuilding, weaknesses and fire spread, historic fire testing and solutions.

Session 2

Legislation and guides - heritage background, heritage legislation, codes of practice, fire safety order, fire risk assessments, suppression systems

Session 3

Cathedrals, churches, roofs and fire fighting – statistics, collapse of stone vaulting, compressive strength of limestone, timber trusses, fire fighting in cathedrals

Session 4

Fire Doors - types of historic doors, fire testing of doors, typical failures of doors, building a new copy of a medieval door.


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Timber decay & its treatment Timber decay & its treatment Monday 21 October 2024 An examination of the causes of decay in hardwoods and softwoods, fungal and insect damage. Treatments with and without the use of chemicals, monitoring to...

Monday 21 October 2024

An examination of the causes of decay in hardwoods and softwoods, fungal and insect damage. Treatments with and without the use of chemicals, monitoring to maintain healthy buildings.

- Timber science: introduction to the biology of timber

- The alien world of fungal decay in buildings

- When insects attack- it's not often and you probably don't need to worry

- Monitoring a building to maintain healthy timber.


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Building conservation
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