Weald and Downland Living Museum Ticket Portal

How to read old documents

Monday 04 August 2025

This workshop helps beginners and those with a small amount of knowledge, to read 16th and 17th century handwriting, and is helpful for later palaeography as well.  It is useful for family and local historians.  The course takes the participants through wills, inventories, registers, deeds and even the mystery of the suet pudding in a Quarter Sessions case.  We concentrate on the letter forms that the clerk was making, and once you’ve got the new letter forms, it becomes an enjoyable puzzle like Sudoku or a crossword.

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How to read old documents

Monday 04 August 2025

This workshop helps beginners and those with a small amount of knowledge, to read 16th and 17th century handwriting, and is helpful for later palaeography as well.  It is useful for family and local historians.  The course takes the participants through wills, inventories, registers, deeds and even the mystery of the suet pudding in a Quarter Sessions case.  We concentrate on the letter forms that the clerk was making, and once you’ve got the new letter forms, it becomes an enjoyable puzzle like Sudoku or a crossword.

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