Weald and Downland Living Museum Ticket Portal

Elizabethan walnuts

Made from the shell of a single walnut, these tiny encrusted bags were a novelty gift in the courts of Elizabeth I. Come and make your own replica of a more sumptuous time—they can be become quite addictive. Use them as key finders, hang them from curtain rails, or give them away as extra special gifts; there is room inside for a tiny phial of perfume, piece of jewellery or love sonnet! Not complex, these can be made by anyone with basic sewing skills.

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  • Elizabethan walnuts
    Elizabethan walnuts
    0 10 max
Elizabethan walnuts

Made from the shell of a single walnut, these tiny encrusted bags were a novelty gift in the courts of Elizabeth I. Come and make your own replica of a more sumptuous time—they can be become quite addictive. Use them as key finders, hang them from curtain rails, or give them away as extra special gifts; there is room inside for a tiny phial of perfume, piece of jewellery or love sonnet! Not complex, these can be made by anyone with basic sewing skills.