Weald and Downland Living Museum Ticket Portal

Rogation Sunday: Beating the Bounds

Rogation Sunday was the day when the local clergyman led his parishioners round the parish boundary to 'Beat the Bounds'. Starting at 2pm we will walk round the boundary of the Museum, a walk of about two miles, stopping to take in the views and interesting places around rarely-explored parts of the site.  We will finish with tea and a talk about the founding of the Museum 50 years ago.

Ticket options

  • Rogation Sunday: Beating the Bounds
    Rogation Sunday: Beating the Bounds
    0 30 max
Rogation Sunday: Beating the Bounds

Rogation Sunday was the day when the local clergyman led his parishioners round the parish boundary to 'Beat the Bounds'. Starting at 2pm we will walk round the boundary of the Museum, a walk of about two miles, stopping to take in the views and interesting places around rarely-explored parts of the site.  We will finish with tea and a talk about the founding of the Museum 50 years ago.