Weald and Downland Living Museum Ticket Portal

Spaddles & Sorbets: A history of ice cream

From delicate dessert tables, to processed wafer cones, ices have been part of the British diet for over 400 years. Yet our modern versions pale compared to the glories of the past. Made with the most basic of equipment, but moulded in ever more intricate ways, and flavoured with combinations we'd not even think of today ices were exciting, exuberant and extraordinarily delicious. This lecture explores the rich history of a chilly delight and celebrates the opening of the Museum’s dairy.

Ticket options

  • Spaddles & Sorbets: A history of ice cream
    Spaddles & Sorbets: A history of ice cream
    0 30 max
  • Members - Spaddles & Sorbets: A history of ice cream
    Members - Spaddles & Sorbets: A history of ice cream
    0 30 max
  • Volunteers - Spaddles & Sorbets: A history of ice cream
    Volunteers - Spaddles & Sorbets: A history of ice cream
    0 30 max
Spaddles & Sorbets: A history of ice cream

From delicate dessert tables, to processed wafer cones, ices have been part of the British diet for over 400 years. Yet our modern versions pale compared to the glories of the past. Made with the most basic of equipment, but moulded in ever more intricate ways, and flavoured with combinations we'd not even think of today ices were exciting, exuberant and extraordinarily delicious. This lecture explores the rich history of a chilly delight and celebrates the opening of the Museum’s dairy.